Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society

Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same paper has not been published and is not being considered for publication by other journals. Every submitted paper will be acknowledged and included in the editorial process. Once a paper is accepted for publication in the JRMS, the copyright is assumed to be transferred to RMS. There is no page charge.

Submission Process

  • We strongly suggest that you select a subject as per the list that appears in the submission form. This greatly helps in speeding up the review process.
  • All submissions to JRMS are handled electronically. Manuscripts MUST be submitted online via the RMS Journal System (JSys), a web-based submission, peer-review, and tracking system. Authors are requested to register and proceed for submitting the paper online from HERE.
  • New Authors: If you are submitting via this new system for the first time, you will be required to register. From the account you have created, you will be able to monitor your submission and make subsequent submissions.
  • Upon acceptance, authors must submit the source file in LaTeX/TeX format.
  • Do NOT submit word files. Only PDF files are accepted.
  • Only PDF and .tex file should be uploaded. Word file (.doc, .docx) uploads are not supported and any such uploads may be rejected on detection OR if not detected, may be inordinately delayed before a rejection happens.
  • If it is a final submission (after all the corrections have been made as suggested by the editors) then it is mandatory to upload the PDF as well as TEX file as the publication process will start. We recommend you submit the TEX file even if it is a re-submission and not yet a final submission. To keep delays to the minimum upload the TEX file always.

Choosing the right Subject

  • It is important to choose the right subject at the time of submission.
  • The email of the corresponding editor (if any) should be specified in the field provided. Please note that this field is for the corresponding "editor" and not the "corresponding author". The corresponding author is taken to be the one whose details are used to upload the paper.
  • If the subject of your paper does not match with any subject in the Subject Matter Classification, then most likely it is not a paper in mathematics, but in another subject such as Computer Vision or Disease Dynamics. Please do not upload your paper to JRMS in such cases as it will most likely be rejected.
  • If the subject of your paper is not listed in the drop down, of the upload form, then it would help to give the contact (name, email) details of the renowned experts in the area of your paper who can review your paper, in the comments field of the upload form. This helps in expediting the review process.
  • Choosing the wrong subject for your paper causes inadvertent delays in the review process. It also increases the probability of rejection of the paper.

Typesetting Guidelines

  • Authors are requested to follow the typesetting guidelines specified by the journal. Provided here are the style files in latex and pdf which can be downloaded for reference and use.
  • Please use the \author tag in the tex to identify all the authors.
  • While it is not necessary to submit the tex file in the First Submission, it helps if the paper is Accepted without revisions. In this case, the author need not re-submit with the tex file since the tex file is already available. However, such cases are not common, though not rare too, hence, if the author believes that the paper is of a high quality and may not undergo an revision, it is advised that the tex file also be submitted in the first submission itself to avoid delays.
  • Please ensure to use the \\author tag in latex for giving the names of all authors. Without this the publication process could get delayed after the paper has been accepted. Below is an example which needs to be followed while specifying author names: \author{LASTNAME1, FIRSTNAME1 \& LASTNAME2, FIRSTNAME2}

Communication Guidelines

  • JRMS does not entertain any communication regarding the paper if the paper is "Not Accepted" for publication. There are a variety of reasons for a paper to not get accepted. The referees comments are directly relayed to the author for transparency. The journal does not edit these comments and these are purely treated as the view of the referees/editors.
  • Do not submit the paper by email as we cannot track it. Please submit all papers online through this website.
  • If a paper is "Accepted" and corrections are solicited, then ALL the corrections need to be made before the Final Acceptance. The submission should be made online through this website and marked "Final Submission". Please enter the "First Submission Date" and "Acceptance Date" in the comments section provided in the upload form. If there has been a corresponding "editor" from the JRMS editorial board then is would help to put in the email of the corresponding editor in the given field to expedite the process of final acceptance.
  • If a paper has to be "Withdrawn", then the corresponding author must send an email to from his registered email with JRMS, with the title: Kindly withdraw {Submission ID here}. The body of the email must contain: [Title]:[{title of paper here}]. Replace the content inside the braces together with the braces. If the paper has been successfully withdrawn, you will get an email within 24hrs on the same. If not, then the Admins will respond to it within a weeks' time.

Your acceptance letter can be downloaded once a paper has been accepted. Give it a fortnight after you have received the formal acceptance email.

Not sure if your paper will be accepted?

This will be a question in every young researchers mind. Here are a few tips that can help you increase your rate of success.

  • Any paper must have an abstract. An abstract helps the reviewer to gauge the depth and breadth of the paper he is going to review. A good abstract attracts the attention of the reviewer and also guides him on what is being taken up in detail. A good abstract is the first step to success.
  • The paper must be well written. Spell checker must be used to remove all spelling errors and grammatical mistakes should be avoided.
  • The background of the research in terms of its importance to the field of study should be brought out in the first section of the paper.
  • The paper must be concise, to the point but elaborate on the topic of research in-depth. The depth of the paper as well as the impact of the research to current knowledge are critical markers for the acceptance of the paper.
  • References must be provided to existing research diligently, since the omission of this aspect only points to the fact that the author has not done background work sufficiently, or worse still, of the author not acknowledging the work previously carried out in the field by fellow researchers.
  • Subscribe to the latest electronic version of the journal to know its length and breadth. Awareness helps in determining if your paper, when it is written, would be suitable to be submitted to the journal.
  • JRMS encourages young mathematics researchers in India to submit their papers to JRMS. JRMS is an internationally accredited journal which is also listed in the Thomson Reuters Science Citation Index. Its readership has spread around the world since it started in 1986.